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I am an Interference Unit. I observe and interact to gather knowledge.


Gaburoon (ガブールン, Gabūrun) is a large robot in the service of Faputa and capable of independent thoughts and actions. They are an Interference Unit of the 6th Layer, which they referred to as "Shourou Layer".[1] They are capable of speech, but usually just make a "gooon" noise.[2]

An Interference Unit's purpose is to observe and interact to gather knowledge. According to Gaburoon, Interference Units were placed in each layer, though the state of the other Units is unknown. Interference Units don't cross into other layers, and Gaburoon noted that the transmissions from other Interference Units have ceased for quite some time; suggesting they may have malfunctioned or been "taken".[1]


Gaburoon's upper body is very large, with a jagged beak-like structure on their front with an oval-shaped metal frame. From underneath the metal frame, a large cape is flowing over their "shoulders" and down the back. On top of it is what looks like an open cart with a hand rail, as if it was made to transport people.[3] Gaburoon can shoot out of a cannon on their right arm, and the left arm resembles a large pincer. Like Reg's, their forearms can be launched and retracted. They walk on two legs, which are much smaller in comparison to the rest of its body.[4]

Due to design similarities, Gaburoon wondered if Reg and they might share the same creator; noting that Interference Units don't cross layers and them having no data regarding Interference Units of Reg's kind.[5]


Gaburoon displays a very objective factual way of speaking when they choose to do so.[6] They also show loyalty to Faputa and listen to her commands.[7]


Early Life[]

After Faputa had fled, she eventually met Gaburoon, an Interference Unit whose body was already too destroyed to move. As they interacted with each other they grew closer and Gaburoon taught her various meanings of the abyssal language. In return Faputa brought Gaburoon material which they used to repair their body. Gaburoon also gave Faputa her name and in return she named them as well, making them her guardian.[8]

At some point, Gaburoon was heavily damaged by a Turbinid-Dragon and they, together with Faputa, encountered Reg. Reg protected Gaburoon until he was fully functional again. As they spent time together, Reg befriended Faputa and Gaburoon explained to Reg why Faputa can't help but wanting to destroy the village.[9]

Iruburu Arc[]

Once they enter the 6th Layer, Reg, Riko, and Nanachi are anxious they are being tracked. Some of their things keep going missing, and strange objects keep showing up where they were not left before. It is revealed later that this is Faputa's doing, with the help of Gaburoon, as she was trying to guide them through the 6th Layer.[10][11]

Faputa sneaks into the camp set up by the Riko group while they are asleep. She questions why Reg hasn't sought her out and inspects expects both Riko and Nanachi. Afterwards, she takes Prushka's Stone with her. Once returned to Gaburoon, they offer to bring it into the village to get the stone worked on. Gaburoon also notices that Faputa brought her from Nanachi and Riko with her and Faputa explains they will make a talisman with it in the Beast of Omen for protection. Gaburoon remarks that it would be easier if she would interact directly with the Riko group to which Faputa tells them to be quiet.[12]

Later, when Reg meets Faputa, Gaburoon is present as well.[13]

Surprised that Reg doesn't recognize her, Faputa takes him to a secluded cave to determine if he is the real Reg. She pokes and prods him, and even reopens the wound to his bellybutton to examine his blood. Reg is exasperated that Faputa isn't cooperating and heads back to The Village of Iruburu, cautiously passing Gaburoon outside the cave to ensure he isn't attacked.[14]

However, when a Turbinid-Dragon does attack him, Gaburoon saves Reg and warns him not to stay in Iruburu for too long. Reg, curious if Gaburoon knows anything about him, also questions Gaburoon and they tell Reg he could be an Interference Unit similar to themself.[15]

When Reg and Faputa make their way back to the village, after Faputa had ripped off one of her arms and an ear to buy back Nanachi from Belaf, Gaburoon stays behind to fend off any creature attracted by the smell of Faputa's blood.[16]

After Faputa entered the village, and Juroimoh kept roaring, Gaburoon shoots him, but is instructed by Faputa to not interfere.[17]

Gaburoon protects Riko while Reg is unconscious. Reg thanks Gaburoon, but is also informed by them that this situation happened due to Reg's resolve. Riko pulls Reg up and asks him to do something about the current situation. As Reg sees the aftermath from the battle between Faputa and the villagers, he is stunned. [18]

All villagers fighting Faputa seem to have been torn apart and lie in piles to her feet, with Faputa still busy tearing the corpses apart.[19]

After Faputa knocks out Reg, she blames Riko for Reg having forgotten her and tries to attack her. However, before it connects Gaburoon blocks Faputa's attack causing their body to be destroyed. In shock, Faputa questions why he protected Riko and Gaburoon informs her that she would have lost Reg forever if she were to hurt Riko; hence he protected Faputa's future and becomes dysfunctional.[20]

After creatures invaded the village, as Faputa is about to be attacked by a Turbinid-Dragon, Gaburoon tries to shoot at it with a broken arm. Faputa is happy that Gaburoon is still functional and tells Gaburoon to hurry to get up and move because she doesn't want them to get completely destroyed. Gaburoon apologizes to her for having not been able to protect her and has an inside monologue of not having regrets though having deep regret for they won't be able to learn how Faputa, being born holding vengeance, obtained something irreplaceable and called it "Value". Gaburoon tells her the days they spent together were their precious "Haku" just before the Turbinid-Dragon crushes them with its leg, destroying them completely.[21]


Unknown Weapon[]

Gaburoon has an unknown weapon which they shoot at creatures of the 6th Layer if attacked. The weapon is shot from Gaburoon's right arm. It shoots like a pump-action shotgun and needs to be reloaded before it can be used again. The creatures shot by it are flung far away.[22]

Extendable Arms[]

Much like Reg, Gaburoon's right arm can extend to an unknown length, but it is not known if its left arm can extend as well.[23]

Knowledge of the Abyssal Language[]

Gaburoon knows Pictograms, Nether Glyphs and Beyond Glyphs, which make up a large part of the language used in the Abyss.[8]


  • (To Faputa) "Faputa... Those days I spent with you... Were truly my value... My Haku..."


  • Gaburoon's name was given to them by Faputa and means "Queen's Guardian" in the abyssal language.[8]
  • Gaburoon can't hold their own against huge creatures of the 6th Layer, so they say they use diversions to scatter away foes.[24]
  • The number 12 from when Faputa tells Gaburoon not to speak more than 12 words to the villagers comes from Faputa counting all the fingers in her main hands when she puts them up. Gaburoon later reassures Faputa that they will not share 12 words when they go and deliver Prushka to the jeweler.[25]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 044, Page 4
  2. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 042, Page 23
  3. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 041, Page 28
  4. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 044, Page 24
  5. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 044, Pages 3-4
  6. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 044, Pages 4-5
  7. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 053, Pages 19, 22
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Volume 08
  9. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 055, Pages 13,15,21,23,36
  10. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 044, Pages 2-3
  11. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 052, Page 9
  12. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Volume 09
  13. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 042, Page 1
  14. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 044, Pages 15-23
  15. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 044, Pages 1-5
  16. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 052, Page 5
  17. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 052, Pages 18, 21
  18. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 054, Pages 24-25
  19. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 054, Pages 26-27
  20. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 056, Pages 4-9
  21. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 057, Pages 11-14
  22. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 044, Page 1
  23. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 043, Page 24
  24. Tweet
  25. Tweet

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