Made in Abyss Wiki

The Crimson Splitjaw (ベニクチナワ, Benikuchinawa) is a giant, elongated, legless, carnivorous, scarlet red reptile of the serpent species that primarily lives in the steep cliffs of the 3rd Layer of The Abyss.[1]


By spreading its hood it is able to swiftly surf the air currents. Sometimes they might fly up to the upper layers in search of food, but it is exceedingly rare to see them in the most shallow sections of the Abyss. They have vestigial eyes and many wart-like appendages on their lower jaws.[1]

The three black dots that Crimson Splitjaws have around the mouth are organs that can detect The Force Field.[2][3]

Whether it is to harvest the nutrients, or to temper the gizzard is unknown, but they are known to habitually swallow Artifacts and minerals. There is no doubt that the sac of any of them bears treasure in great quantities, though the possibility of it being defecated cannot be crossed out either.[1]

Crimson Splitjaws are ferocious predators that attack any Delver on sight, so their danger level is high, standing as some of the most dangerous creatures in the 3rd Layer.[4]

Their meat is edible, but it's not very tasty to the point where it has also been noted to taste terrible.[1][3]


  • In the manga, while traversing the 3rd Layer, Reg and Riko stumbled upon an ancient ship buried in the side of the cliff. Upon investigation, it turned out to be the lair of the same Crimson Splitjaw that had attacked Riko before she found Reg.[5] This was changed to a Madokajack's lair in the Anime.[6]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Volume 01
  2. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 046, Page 28
  3. 3.0 3.1 Made in Abyss: Binary Star Falling into Darkness
  4. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 002, Page 7
  5. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 018, Pages 5-6
  6. Made in Abyss Anime: Made in Abyss Episode 09

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Harmless Neritantan
Insignificant HamashiramaHammerbeak
Caution Silkfang
Serious Corpse-WeeperOttobas
Deadly Crimson Splitjaw
Absurd Amaranthine-DeceptorOrb Piercer
Extraordinary Mysterious BeastTurbinid-Dragon
Unknown AmakagameDemonfishDread-OwleEmperorshellFuzosheppuHermit RatInbyoIrumyuui's ChildrenKazura SquidMadokajackMeinastilimMizoujackPseudowaterRohanaSakawatariShroombearSicklehornStingerheadUranaguapuUrikouriUnknown Creatures
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